WVSD208 = Community Service
Apr 27, 2024
Community Service
Community service is integral to the West Valley School District, from the K-Kids at the elementary level to the Kiwanis Builders Club at the middle level to Key Club at the high school, students complete community service throughout the school year. In addition, at the high school, students participate in the Mr. West Valley contest to support Children's Village and Rams on the Red Carpet to support the Yakima YWCA. These are just a few of the numerous projects that are completed by students throughout the school year.
Superintendent, Dr. Peter Finch, says, "The importance of community service starts at the top with the service that is provided by our five School Board members who volunteer countless hours to serve at School Board meetings, committee meetings, and other meetings to serve our school community."
In addition, Dr. Finch emphasizes the importance of community service by staff members for community organizations. Dr. Finch says, "I am so grateful for all of the community service that our staff members provide, such as coaching youth sports, serving on various community boards, and assisting with fundraisers to make a difference in our community."
As a member of the Yakima Rotary Club, Dr. Finch recently assisted with a clean-up day at the Yakima Greenway. Dr. Finch said, "Yakima is blessed with wonderful outdoor spaces for kids and families. I was happy to assist with the clean-up day at the Greenway. As they say, 'Many hands make light work!'"
Recently, a community organization made a donation to the West Valley Innovation Center to assist with a service-learning project. Service-learning supports community service projects where students apply their academic and vocational skills to the project. Student-leaders will work with Director Russ Tuman at the Innovation Center to identify a positive service-learning project for the $2,500 that was donated for the project. Dr. Finch said, "I am looking forward to the project that our students choose to complete -- a project that will make our community a better place."
Thank you to all of our students and staff who make a difference in our community!